It’s been almost a year now since I’ve joined AO and I haven’t written anything on my blog since. I believe it’s time to post my learnings and doings over the past year.


I’ve been assigned to a team that was actively developing a solution that had huge mix of technologies: many jquery plugins and in house services, mobile pages using angular, desktop pages under react and a plain javascript layer to get all things talking to each other.

The team was eager for improvement so I knew that it was time for me to do some research and help standardise the solution somehow

Thus, my first milestone working at AO was to learn React.

I can safely say I got up to speed in just a weekend: I’ve watched countless Pluralsight video tutorials and built many random react apps until I got the hang of it. One of those react experiments ended up as a base platform for my girlfriend’s blog so I was pretty happy I managed to get that far.

I’ve continuously pushed myself to try many different react modules some of which I’ve introduced to my team and subsequently integrated in the main solution: redux, react-redux, redux-form, react-router, enzyme etc.

Adding and integrating in all those libraries had removed a significant amount of spaghetti and killed plenty of bugs.

At the end of just a few weeks of experiments and work, the solution was in a much better state to receive projects that require building new components or rebuilding existing ones.